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Home on your hips: A backpack for the unhurried traveler

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Tortuga Outbreaker

I bought my Tortuga Outbreaker travel back pack after ridding myself of an apartment’s worth of possessions to become a nomad three years ago. Maybe because I had de-accessioned so much and pocketed some cash along the way that the $300 price tag didn’t deter me. My pack was to be my portable home for the six months every year that I now travel. I wanted a great piece of equipment sure to last because I knew I had to rely on it as a home. In fact, the design of the Tortuga has caused me to think of one section the main compartment as my bedroom, another as my bathroom, a long shallow back pocket as my office — a feature I discovered only after being on a trip for a month. It a handy way to remember how to pack and where to find things like the checkbook I carry with me but have never used.

A challenge of long term traveling is gaining the experience and confidence to take less and less on long trips. I am not a minimalist but now on my third international trip, I have at least a third less than my inaugural trip and don’t miss a thing. Two long sleeved, 2 shirt sleeved shirts. Same with pants. That leaves room for things I find particularly practical like a clothes brush or collapsible kettle.

Another rule I have is that I never stuff my pack. The bag fits overhead on US carriers and I remove the waist belt easily the few times I’ve checked it to make it less tempting for entanglement. I love that it opens like a suit case (because I always unpack when I arrive at a place) and that it stands upright when I pack my flip flops at the bottom.

My Tortuga is home on my hips.


According to the Tortuga website, your purchase supports “student travel by funding the Tortuga Study Abroad Scholarship and a Gap Year Grant through the Travel Access Project.”

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